My Good News Minute today is about
a story that changed my life.
In the 70's we lived in Idaho in a
small farming community.
Every time that I felt defeated,
I'd get out this story and hold my head up high
and bake my bread and make yummy food
with the bulk items I had on hand.
It was a very difficult time for my husband
and me financially.
My fifth baby was only six weeks old when I decided to babysit two extra
little boys to help out a little with the budget.
little boys to help out a little with the budget.
They were the age of my oldest boy so I thought it was a fabulous idea
until my stomach screamed that it was not.
The doctor gave me medicine and said that I needed to take away some of my stress.
Well I couldn't take away the bills and I couldn't take away our other concerns
so the only thing I could think to take away were
those two little boys that I baby sat.
One of the little boys would stand at the window and stare with a broken heart
because of his parents were getting a divorce.
It was too much for me.
My husband asked permission from his boss to work at
a potato plant on a shift that started at
four in the afternoon.
So he taught Seminary until three thirty and then loaded box cars with frozen spuds
of all kinds until 12:30 in the morning.
He would bring me home frozen hash browns that went so good with the
home made bread toast, bacon and eggs that I fixed for him to eat at
1:00 o'clock in the morning.
I would put my little one's to bed all comfy cozy and I'd keep my house spotless
so that when he walked in the door at 1:00 o'clock he could feel at peace
and comfortable and was better able to get up at
6:00 o'clock the next morning and
start all over again.
He did this for four months until we could get on our feet again.
As I look back on those times I realize that if I would have gone to work
and been gone all day we would have had a dirty messy house with a
mad husband and sad little children.
So read the story young mommy's
and see if it might help you get through
a little better too.
Grammy T.
Grammy T.