Monday, October 10, 2011

Precious Little One's

Our Savior Jesus Christ also has a body 

Because we, the members of 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 
don't believe in the Nicene Creed we are deemed 
by some folks as not being Christian.

In other words we believe that 
God is our Heavenly Father, 
He has a body and we are made in his image.

and is one with the Father in purpose, 

not in body. 

The Holy Ghost is also a separate being. 

Having been raised in one of the "other" Christian Churches, 
 that believe in the Nicene Creed, 
I asked my Momma 
what God looked like.

She said that I should think of Him as a big head floating 
and listening to my prayers and that 
He could be everywhere. 

As a little tiny girl my teachings of 
Jesus Christ was much easier to understand.

 Jesus came to the earth and was born of Virgin Mary 
and He loved me and He walked the earth
 just like me and he was good and kind 
and He truly loved little children.

He said we would go to Heaven if we were good like He was 
and if "we were as a little child". 

I loved Him so much and many times 
I felt Him with me. 

The Holy Ghost scared me at first because ghosts were 
scary to little girls. 

In fact my little friend Sally Jo was saying her prayers one night 
at my Nana Pills' house and she ended her prayer...

"In the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost".  

Well that did it for those two little one's 
and my Nana had to sleep with us to get us to calm down. 

Children are so Dear you know. 

Grammy T.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Will Not Complain

Tate is getting so big.
He is such a cute little guy.

Hi all, this is my first time back to my Blog in a very long time.  

I broke my wrist when I fell in the shower the middle of July 
and to mend I needed an operation of a metal plate 
and seven screws. 

I am just now back to typing with two hands. 

With physical therapy I am hoping to be able to use it better through the 
next few months. 

I just watched Nie-Nie and I don't dare complain. 

Here is her blog:

And here is a video about her:

So you see why I will not complain.

Grammy T.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Successful Marriages Require A High Degree of Mutual Toleration,

My Grandfather George William Pillsbury with his siblings 
Leonard and Adeline Jane.

"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal
is going to waste a lot of time running around 
shouting that he has been robbed. 

The fact is that most putts don’t drop, 
most beef is tough, 

most children grow up to be just like people, 
most successful marriages require a 
high degree of mutual toleration, 
and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. 

Life is just like an old time rail journey ...
 delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, 
interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. 

The trick is to thank the Lord for letting 
you have the ride."