Friday, December 13, 2013

Therapy Bags with Instructions

The other day I needed to come up with a little gift to take to a breakfast , gift exchange get together. At first I was stumped and then I thought of something I could make that I hoped would be appreciated and that I could use what I had on hand already to make it.  "Therapy Bags". You know the bags filled with rice that can be heated in the microwave for a minute or so. I had scraps of cute flannel. I had rice. And I had fun essential oil fragrances that I could add. Tadahhh. Therapy bags. 
You can buy them here but....Why?

So here are the instructions:
I cut some flannel that when folded in half would go around the neck. I cut some flannel that when folded in half would make a rectangle to go on the back or tummy. I stitched two sides and left the top open. I put scented rice in the top, filling it a little less than a half full of scented rice and then turned the seam to the inside and double stitched the top down. 

When my gift as opened it was appreciated and loved!! It was Happy for me giver and happy for the receiver.  
Scents to add: Lavender, ylang ylang, orange, rosemary,

And what about this Monster Bag:

So Cute!!

Here is another idea with pictures on how to make them. They are for the feet and look to be very nice and cozy. 

See the Feet Idea here.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

"How could you stand it I asked"

One of my little one's
It died. My sour dough start died so I just visited my blog posts and found Little Grandma Thompson's Potato Bread Start. What I didn't tell you was what else we talked about while we were making that baby blanket. 

She told me about her babies that had died. My heart broke listening to her. "How could you stand it I asked". She said, "You just do, you have to."

Leo was the oldest child of hers that died. He had been very sick and the the sickness turned to rheumatic fever. She didn't have any money so the doctor gave her some medicine free of charge and told her to put Leo's bed in the front room so that he could be with his family for he couldn't possibly live. He was 12 when he died on 12 Jun 1928 in Midvale, Utah.  But before he did he said three times "I wish they would hurry with my light." (I think I know what that means, the light. What do you think?) Then he laid his head on Little Grandma and passed away. He is buried by his two baby sisters in the Garland City Cemetery. Can you imagine such a thing. My heart cries just telling you this story. 

Another very sad story was about her little baby girl named Rosetta who was born on 23 Jul 1923 in  Bear River City, Utah. She got very sick and had a high fever. Little Grandma sent for the doctor but the midwife came and while she was there she gave the advice to starve the fever and not to give baby Rosetta a drop of liquid until her fever dropped. That night when she was cooler Little Grandma nursed her and kept her next to her to sleep. The babies always slept with an parent or older child in those days because they could freeze in the night if they didn't. The baby went to sleep but in the morning when Little Grandma woke her little baby was dead. That was on 9 Mar 1924 in Garland, Utah. That would almost be unbearable. 

The other little baby Elaine was born 30 April 1928 in Midvale, Utah. She had a very hard birth and died when she was a few hours old. Little Grandma said she knew she wouldn't live. And she didn't. 

Well, there again I ask, "The Good Old Days"?
Not so good at times for sure. 

Grammy T.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Boo-Boo Stick Chapter Two

Roller Stick (Boo-boo Stick)
Since I wrote the blog about the Boo-Boo Sticks I've been asked questions about what all I put in the sticks So I'll give you a few recipes that have work for me and my family. 

One little grand-baby had a fever in the wee morning hours and her mommy called my daughter to see what oils to use. She was told to use peppermint mixed with carrier oil and massage her feet. In a little bit the fever was gone and the baby was able to sleep through the night. She had an ear ache so my daughter put lavender, peppermint and lemon and coconut oil in a roll on and used it around her ears. For babies use 1 part essential oils to 4 parts carrier oil. Also Basil with the coconut oil is good for ear infections. Rub around the ear not in it. 

For myself I use Clove Bud, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, peppermint, frankincense, orange and grapefruit. The Grapefruit is excellent for fighting staph. I use 1 part oils to the same amount of carrier oil. These blends are also wonderful in a diffuser. Or you can buy this as OnGuard. See below. 

I had a call about a granddaughter that had sciatic problems. I suggested the doTerra Deep Blue blend it is very soothing for sore muscles, joints and works to soothe and relax. And then for her to do her exercises.

Another daughter likes a peppermint blend for headaches and other hurts.

So there you have Boo-Boo Stick Chapter Two. There might be a chapter three in the near future.  

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Boo-Boo Sticks

Rosemary Bush

A few months ago I began a weird journey. What you ask? Well I was allergic to almost all medications. Nice right! So if I took high blood pressure medications my blood pressure became higher, etc.  Finally the specialist said "stop taking medications". So I did. I take a couple but have had to look for alternative methods for some problems. I already used a few things to help me be healthier but now I had to really search. As you know I have had  Breast Cancer and Thyroid Cancer and had the treatments that went with those; operations, chemo, radiation and iodine radiation. And those treatments have left me with a few problem too. But they saved my life so we know they were necessary and I am so thankful for the help from the medical community. 

Pain medications raise my blood pressure and gave me asthma. So what have I found to replace them? Essential oils. I have some recipes I use a lot. My favorites for pain are numerous but I like lavender, lemongrass, wintergreen, clove, peppermint  and more. I do use a very good pure and organic brand doTerra. It is self tested with every batch of oils made.  

I have always had asthma so I have found oils that help with that. I mix a few and put them in boo-boo sticks which are a roller bottle. I choose the oils that will help with asthma, bronchitis, flu/colds and my immune system. I rub them on the places that need help. I roll them in my hands, rub them together and inhale them for a while. I always put them on the bottom of my feet. Then I roll some on my thumb and stick it to the top of my mouth and let it absorb into my system that way. It works for me and stops my sneezing and coughing immediately. 

And the boo-boo stick is so fun and easy and came to us via my niece who lives in France now. What oils do I use for these problems? Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Grapefruit Seed, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Frankincense, etc. What is the etc.? Orange oil is awesome and if you put it in a diffuser it smells wonderful. I put the drops in a roller bottle add a carrier oil, coconut or  grape or almond oil and you have a boo-boo stick. Easy peasy. 

And can you imagine for little kids how fun to have their own Boo-Boo Stick with Lavendar and melaluca,  etc. to make their owies better. :)

To order go to my order page. And if you have any questions email  me or comment and i will help you. 

Grammy T.