Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's A Scrappy Mess

I looked out my window and what did I see 
a big snowy mess just a staring at me. 
(Sung to Popcorn Poppin')

Looking out my window I decided it was time to work on my Scrappy Mess.

The Scrappy Mess consists of a bunch of scraps from other 
quilts that I have made in the past. 
The blocks are 15 inches square and there is no 
rhyme or reason to getting them 
put together. 

Just sew. 

I think it will turn out really nice for a boy that needs a 
cozy blanket on his bed now that the weather 
has started to really set in. 

 Grammy T.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

UFO's Finished

I've had some requests for patterns for the apron and the Hollyhocks quilt. So I am going to give you those now. 

The Hollyhocks quilt pattern is from Stitches and Sew Forth. Just call Becky for that and she will send it. She also has a mystery quilt every month that is a wonderful deal. That is how I got Hollyhocks. Her kits range from $29.00 to $39.00. That is for all fabric except the back and the pattern. You really can't go wrong.

The Solids Challenge quilt is Turning Ten by Tricia Cobbs. The pattern is on the right side of the blog. 

The Apron is Strawberry Licorice and the pattern is on the right of this blog in the sidelines. It's at You can also see the Tutorial at Sew Much Good.

Thanks for liking my fun challenges.

Love, Grammy T.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thanksgiving Decorations and Creepy Lice

When I was in beauty college 
one of the horrors that was brought
to our attention 
was lice, 
yukky lice. 

I'd never thought much about lice at all really. 
Well one day they shut our school down early because one of the girls had 
found lice crawling around in the shampoo bowl. 

It makes me itch to tell you about it. 
Our instructors all bleached their hair that night to kill any unseen threat. 

About two weeks later I was shampooing a clients hair and I noticed 
tiny little flying insects and of course you know what I thought they were. 
I excused myself carefully and got one of the now very blonde instructors. 

She assured me that they were only fruit flies coming from the 
Thanksgiving decorations near the 
shampoo bowl. 


That was such a relief. 
Such a relief. 

Grammy T.