Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Babe of Bethlehem

Where is the Babe of Bethlehem?

In the stable small,
With Mary His mom and Joseph so tall?

No He's not there still yet,
He is in heaven with His Father I'll bet.

The story says He will come again 
bringing Peace and Love 
from our Father above. 

How can I show my love to Him?
By doing His will with every whim.
~ jet

I had to rework my first poem and then remove it.
I am much happier doing it from a little child's perspective.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cooking For A Crowd Everyday

Tahoe Reunion 2000

And that is what you do if you have a large family, 
cook for a crowd everyday. 

Starting dinner in the morning for younger moms allows you to have things like 

homemade bread, scones, pots of beans or slow cooker meals. 
Then at dinner time you know what else has to be done to finish up quickly. 

You aren't going to blow the budget for a fast food deal. 

Back in the day I didn't have money to go fast fooding. 

With seven kids and needing to save as much as possible on food 

because I wanted my kids to take piano, gymnastics, 
dance and play sports, etc.  I would plan for meals 
a month in advance and go to the store just once 
or twice a month. 
(I told you it was back in the day) 

Also my kids loved Susie Sunshine, (the recipe is here)

a hot cereal made with cracked wheat and 
they loved breakfast for dinner with pancakes 
and eggs too so that was an easy 
fix in a pinch.

Grammy T.

Friday, December 2, 2011

You cut my hair Miss Jiggy Gum

A Little Chinese Pixie I Met In My Travels

Do you remember the time that you cut my pony tail off because you were mad at me Miss Jiggy Gum? 

I remember too but we made up and were BFF's anyway. 

Our moms were always getting into tiffs and I never knew when it would happen. I'd get home from school and be told that I wasn't allowed to play with Jiggy anymore. 

"Why this time Mom?" Because, blah, blah, blah.......

So I couldn't and that's-that for sure. 

My hair grew and Jiggy and I always forgave each other. 

But it sure took our mom's a lot longer to be nice.

Grammy T.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What does that goof-ball do around here?

A talk from our Stake President today:

A large company, 
feeling it was time for a 
shakeup, hired a new CEO. 

The new boss was determined to 
rid the company of 
all slackers. 

On a tour of the facilities, 
the CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall. 

The room was full of workers and he wanted to 
let them know that he 
meant business. 

He walked up to the guy leaning against the wall and asked, 
'how much money do you 
make a week? 

A little surprised, the young man 
looked at him and replied, 
"I make $400 a week." 

The CEO went to his office and came back with a 
$1,600 check and yelled:

"Here's four weeks pay, now get out and 
don't come back."

Feeling pretty good about himself the CEO 
looked around the room and asked, 
"Does anyone want to tell me what 
that goof-ball did 
around here?"

From across the room came a voice, 
"Pizza delivery guy 
from Domino's."

 Now that’s what I call 
a dang good tip!!

Grammy T.